Message from the Director
Dr. Prabhakar Bhosale

SNBP’S International School is a dream come true for me. It provides an environment in which every student discovers and realizes his inborn potential. We create self-awareness among children and help in capacity building. We are concerned about the overall health and well-being of learners encompassing their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions.

In the firm belief that ‘good education is the high road to personal and national progress’, the school aims at drawing out what is best in the child, through appropriate learning experiences and opportunities, a desire to learn not just in the classroom, but all the time making it an ongoing process through life.

The school has already established itself as the fastest-growing school in Manjri. The challenging task of nurturing tender budding minds in the school is being looked after with poise, grace, and commitment by dedicated teachers. The team of SNBP itself firmly believes that with patience & perseverance, any goal can be accomplished.

I trust that the parents, along with the team of SNBP’S International School, will help the children grow as self-respecting and courageous torchbearers of our nation.

Dr. Prabhakar Bhosale