We at SNBP's aim to build young India with positive attitude, technically balanced with knowledge of creative Indian culture. We do emphasis on visual training, since the respective age group responds to visual application, terms, quicker than verbal terms. Our nursery school offers education through Audio, Video DVDs, pictures, shapes, colours, toys. We have scheduled regular parent- teacher meetings, to ensure free flow of communication between the parent and the teachers.
We believe that school is a place of learning where the child is introduced to education through varied experiences which will leave a deep rooted impression in them throughout the life. In our school early childhood education is imparted through various activities like circle time, story narration sessions, dramatization.
It is felt by researchers in this field that the pre-school age i.e, playgroup, nursery, junior and senior level kids are vulnerable and also that they can take in as much as we can without any limitations as their brain is developing at an unimaginable speed and we as their well-wishers should give them the best education at the right time. We are sure that our school is going to be garden for them where they will play learn and enjoy their schooling and possess all the qualities of a convent educated student.